Detroit: Become Human From the Dead Walkthrough

Detroit: Become Human From the Dead Walkthrough – Chapter 10: From the Dead.  Markus somehow survives and comes back to life after the police shot him in Carl’s home.  He has found himself in the scrapyard badly damaged.  He needs to find replacement parts, and escape the death pile.

There are no magazines in this chapter.

Detroit: Become Human From the Dead Walkthrough

Just after breaking his mind palace and becoming deviant, Markus has to regain his functions and escape out of the junkyard.  This is where he first learns of Jericho.

Markus has to find a few items to rise again.  An optical unit, audio processor, and pump regulator.  Once you find the optical unit, you’re able to use R2 to search for the remaining items or other interactable objects.

There are two opportunities to kill or spare androids in this scrap heap.  One of them has a pump regulator Markus can use, and the other just wants to be shut down.  Once Markus finds all the parts, he can now climb the slope and come back from the dead.

Walkthrough [A] & [B] are nearly identical besides the location of where Markus finds replacement parts.

Detroit: Become Human From the Dead Flowchart

Chapter 10: From the Dead Flowchart is 100% complete.  This chapter will take two playthroughs to 100%.

Detroit: Become Human From the Dead Endings

There is only one possible ending to this chapter.  There is no consequence from the decisions to spare or kill the various androids you find in this scrap yard.

If you enjoyed the Detroit: Become Human From the Dead Walkthrough check out the other chapters on the launch page here.  Each post will also have the chapter flowcharts and endings.  Click here to go to the next chapter: Waiting for Hank….  You can leave a question or comment below and I will answer it when I can.

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