Detroit: Become Human The Hostage Walkthrough

Detroit: Become Human The Hostage Walkthrough – Chapter 1: The Hostage.  Connor is sent from CyberLife as android negotiator sent to deal with a hostage situation.  The first thing he needs to do is to meet with the person in charge: Captain Allen.

There are no magazine collectibles to collect in this chapter.

Detroit: Become Human The Hostage Walkthrough

Saving the Fish at the beginning will increase your software instability.  Increasing the software instability will make Connor more likely to become a deviant.

During the negotiations with the deviant Daniel, you can save the cop lying to the left.  Save him to increase public opinion.  He will show up again in Chapter 23: Public Enemy.  Connor will have different reactions when he meets the cop.  His reactions will depend on his current model.  Each Connor model get replaced when he dies.  He won’t remember the cop if he has died at any time between now and then.

Walkthrough [A] gains the deviants trust and ends with the snipers shooting the deviant Daniel.  This playthrough is geared towards Connor becoming a deviant.  Walkthrough [B] has Connor lying about the gun and shooting the deviant.  This is a primarily “machine Connor” playthrough.

Both playthroughs save the cop, since he is an unlockable trigger event.  Not saving him doesn’t add or change the playthrough besides his absence so it’s better to save him.

Detroit: Become Human The Hostage Flowchart

Chapter 1: The Hostage Flowchart is 100% complete.  If you spend more than 5 minutes searching for clues, you unlock the ‘wasted too much time’ branching path.  If you also waste too much time, a swat team member will get injured, but it doesn’t really seem to have any real consequences.

Detroit: Become Human The Hostage Endings

If Connor gets killed by the deviant, CyberLife will reissue a new Connor model.  Certain endings will increase software instability, while others will decrease them.  The general rule is, every time Connor dies, he will become more of a machine.  Dying will decrease software instability.

If you enjoyed the Detroit: Become Human The Hostage Walkthrough check out the other chapters on the launch page here.  Each post will also have the chapter flowcharts and endings.  Click here to go to the next chapter: Shades of Color.  You can leave a question or comment below and I will answer it when I can.

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