Detroit: Become Human The Interrogation Walkthrough

Detroit: Become Human The Interrogation Walkthrough – Chapter 8: The Interrogation.  Carlos’ android from the crime scene in chapter: Partners is being interrogated.  The problem is that he refuses to speak.  Connor wants to try his negotiating skills to find out what really happened.

There are no magazines in this chapter.

Detroit: Become Human The Interrogation Walkthrough

Analyze the android and review the photos before sitting down to unlock additional interrogation options.  Comfort, reassure, and sympathize options reduce the android’s stress.  Threatening, blaming, or pressuring will increase the stress levels.  You’ll want to increase stress levels until they are at optimal levels (around 50-70%).  This will get the android to confess.

Walkthrough [A] has Connor convincing the android to confess.  Connor lives in this playthrough and the android trusts Connor.  Walkthrough [B] has the android pressured to confess, and Connor dies by being shot trying to intervene.

Detroit: Become Human The Interrogation Flowchart

Chapter 8: The Interrogation Flowchart is 100% complete.  This chapter will take many playthroughs to 100%.  For the android to resist the probe, Connor needs to fail the button prompts.  It might require you to hold down a button, but if you just tap it then it will fail.  It requires a few failure attempts for Connor to give up and consider other options.

Detroit: Become Human Broken Endings

How Connor handles the interrogation affects the android’s disposition.  If the android is alive and trusts Connor, he will give him some vital information in a later chapter.  Otherwise, the android will self-destruct and end up in the evidence room.  Managing the stress levels is key to the confession and temperament of the android.

If Connor chooses to approach the android by probing it’s memory, then there is no possibility to get this chapter’s best ending.

If you enjoyed the Detroit: Become Human The Interrogation Walkthrough check out the other chapters on the launch page here.  Each post will also have the chapter flowcharts and endings.  Click here to go to the next chapter: Fugitives.  You can leave a question or comment below and I will answer it when I can.

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